Adventure and Learning-EVS project
The objective is to develop 8 young people on personal and professional level in an international environment, offering them possibility to gather theoretical and practical knowledge in different professions with the purpose to become active citizens in their own country and a better work force on the labor market.
Period of the project: April 2018-March 2020
Initialy we planned 2 periods of 12 month for 3 and 3 volunteers, but life owerwrote our plan. We hosted 8 volunteers totaly, some of them spent 11-12 months with us, others 8-9 months, others 6 months.
Partner countries: Hungary, Germany, Republic of Moldova
Participants profile:
-aged between 20-30 years
– good English language skills (written and spoken)
– has good physical condition, are fit and healthy
– are highly motivated to participate in this project and are committed to live 12 months in a foreign country
– are interested in learning and getting practical experience in the field of outdoor education, youth work (or have already experience)
– are open to physically and mentally challenging activities, adventures
– are open minded, love to work with people, and children
Tasks of the volunteers:
-To assist at our training courses (to work with children and youth groups)
-To learn about, then to support the work of our employees (project management, accounting, program/staff coordinating, PR, youth center management, cooking, cleaning, management of the equipment, acquisition, logistics)
– Interactive presentation in schools about the volunteering in the frame of Erasmus
and promoting OBR programs
– Writing articles on the blog
Info letter and call:
Description of the project and results:
With this project we wanted to face the unemployment among the young people by developing them on personal and professional level. At the end of the project the youngsters became active citizens in their own country and a better work force on the labor market. Because their self – confidence grow and they became more aware of their abilities and stengths, they already founded or will find a proper job for them selfs.
The volunteers did their service mainly in Sovata where we organize most of our outdoor programs and where we run our International Youth Center.
The volunteers could develop in youth work and outdoor methodology by assisting a lot of outdoor programs for local youngsters. They tried out intellectual work, like project management and some physical work, like cooking, cleaning, renovation. They had the opportunity to participate on different trainings: training of trainers, technical trainings (climbing, belaying, water activities, expedition). They were able to visit a lot of beautiful places in Romania and participate on a lot of different cultural events.
The volunteers went through an intensive self-development process being with our organization. They gained many skills:
-soft skills in working with groups: facilitation and debriefing competences, group dynamics, planning, delivering and evaluating a program.
– technical skills: delivering ropes course activities, kayaking, canoeing, making fire, building bivaque, orienteering, nature awareness, hiking, rock climbing, first aid.
-personal skills: self-management, planning, decision-making, communication, cooperation, conflict management, initiative-taking and learning from each situation
The EVS helped the volunteers to improve their English, Hungarian and Romanian language competences, to become more flexible, raise their awareness about other cultures and nations.
You can read the volunteers blog here:
Anna, Júlia, Christiane:
You can see pictures about the volunteers actions: