Generation Europe

The goal of the project is to promote the active citizenship among minimum 150 European youngsters. We contribute towards a confident and inclusive European citizenship.

Period of the project: 2018-2020

Partner organizations: Outward Bound Romania

ParkHaus Oberhausen Germany

MTU NTM Estonia

The project is co-financed by the European Union trough the Erasmus+ program and the German Government.

Description of the project:

The whole project is coordinated by the German youth organization the IBB. The youth network created in the frame of the project includes 30 youth organizations from 15 different European countries. Each partnership is composed from 3 NGO-s, one from German and the 2 from another European country. In our case the partnership includes Germany, Estonia and Romania.

From each country 9 youngsters and 3 group leaders are working permanently in national and international level.

At international level in each year we organize a 10 day youth encounter for the youngsters, with the goal to develop the active citizenship skills of the youngsters and to support each other. The first program was in 2018 in Germany, Gelsenkirchen, where the youngster built their international community and learnt about the democracy and human rights.

In this year we will organize the program in Sovata at Outward Bound Romania Youth Center in the period 14th-25th of August. They youngsters will analyze deeply their own local projects and the local projects of the others and will came up with new ideas, advices about the implementation of the local project and support each other in development. On 23th of August they will present the local projects for the large public (politicians, NGO-s, representatives of media, students) in Tîrgu Mureș. Beside these programs they will participate on a 2 day expedition, when they will learn about the responsibility and initiative spirit, with the help of the ropes course activities they will become more confident, and through the cultural activities they will see and experience each other culture.

In national level each national group identify a relevant local community problem and with the help of the learned civil activism methods try to resolve the situation. We encourage the youngsters in the cooperation with the politicians and other relevant stakeholders. The Romanian participants are from the Bolyai Farkas High school from Tg. Mures. They started to work on local level with enthusiasm and very active. Their goal is to help their school colleagues in the carrier choice. The German youngster set as a goal to organize a local music festival, and the Estonian participants will open a Youth Hostel.
