The goal of the project is to promote the active citizenship among minimum 600 European youngsters. We contribute towards a confident and inclusive European citizenship.
Period of the project: 2021-2025
Partner organizations:
Outward Bound Romania
ParkHaus Oberhausen Germany
MTU NTM Estonia
The project is co-financed by the European Union trough the Erasmus+ program and the German Government.
Description of the project:
The whole project is coordinated by the German youth organization Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk e.V. (IBB). The youth network created in the frame of the project includes 45 youth organizations from 14 different European countries in 15 partnerships. Each partnership is composed from 3 NGO-s, one from Germany and the 2 from other European country. In our case the partnership includes Germany, Estonia and Romania.
From each country 8 to 12 youngsters and 3 group leaders are working permanently at a national and international level. Youth from three countries continually collaborate over a duration of three years in order to get involved in society. They identify local problems and support each other by addressing them. Together, we are contributing to an active and inclusive European citizenship.
At international level, in each year we organize a 10 day long youth encounter for the youngsters, with the goal to develop the active citizenship and social skills, to empower the youngsters to create and implement their local action plans. The first international program was in 2022 in Germany, Oberhausen, where the youngster built their international community and learned about the democracy and human rights.
This year we will organize the program in Sovata at Outward Bound Romania Youth Center in the period 23rd of July and 2nd of August. The youngsters reconnect with each other, develop their problem-solving skills, analyze deeply their own local projects and the local projects of the others and will come up with new ideas, advices regarding the implementation of the local project. At the end they finalize their local action plans. On 31th of July they will present the local projects for the large public (politicians, professionals, representatives of media,) in Tîrgu Mureș.
In 2024 the last youth encounter will happen in Estonia, the topic of the program is evaluation of the implementation of the local action plans and evaluation of the cooperation during the 3 years, preparation for the future.
At national level, each national group identifies a relevant local community topic and with the help of the learned civil activism methods try to resolve the situation. We encourage the youngsters to cooperate with politicians and other relevant stakeholders.
The Romanian participants are from the Bolyai Farkas High School from Tg. Mures. They started to work on local level with enthusiasm and very actively. Their topic is the community building among students. The German youngsters set as a goal to create podcasts in different topics and Estonian participants will create a website for newcomer talents.
Photos and video: