Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission
Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project: Parents in the woods
Promoter: Szelíd Szavakkal Alapítvány, Hungary
Outward Bound Romania, Romania
Obcanske struzeni Zen-sen, Czech Republic
Association Zdruzenje za opolnomocenje cloveka – Gibanje JA, MI LAHKO!, Slovenia
7th -11th September, 2011 – Kick of conference and LEARN TO SUCCEED for parents and educators workshop, Debeli Rtic, Slovenia
30th November – 4th December, 2011 – Basic Human Needs: introduction workshop into Pesso-Boyden System Psychomotor workshop, Bělá u Jevíčka,Czech Republic
15th – 19th April, 2012 – Beyond bees and flowers – raising sexually healthy children, raising children for the joy of life, workshop in Hungary
The workshop provided an opportunity for the parents to gain insights into what has not happened ideally in their lives concerning their own sexual development and show ways how it is possible to repair old hurts. It also helped parents to place sexuality in its rightful place: to honor it as the source of our lives and the means through which we give on life, that is, to recognize it as something sacred.
18th – 23th August, 2012, Outdoor Education workshop, Sovata/Szováta, Romania
Specific Objectives of the workshop:
-to experience an outdoor program and to recognize its possibilities in personality and relationship development
-to reflect upon the benefits by using outdoor activities in parenting
-Integration of parental competencies