The main goal is to organize a personal development program for young graduates who are finishing their higher education. Because we believe that the inner strengths make people aware of their true potential and to help others to do the same. Because we want to give opportunity for everybody to find their power and encourage them to find their place in the labor market, to strengthen their basiccompetences for increasing their efficiency.

The project is designed for young people who are just finishing or freshly graduated their higher education, aged between 20-30 years from 7 different European countries – Romania, Hungary, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Finland and France.

The objectives of the exchange is to develop the basic competences of the participants, which have been identified as critical for successful job performance:

  • – decision-making
  • – teamwork
  • – motivation
  • – reliability
  • – problem solving
  • – adaptability
  • – planning and organizing
  • – communication
  • – integrity
  • – stress tolerance in order to help them to integrate in the labor market and to find the best          suiting jobs for themselves.

Through the project we will contribute to the fight against unemployment, the participants will get more self-aware, will get to know better themselves, will be more able to assertively keep their mental health on a good level.

How we do it?

Through experiential education:

– icebreakers

– get to know each other games

– outdoor team building activities

– problem-solving activities

– ropes course activities

– debriefing blocks

– igloo building

– volunteer day

– snowshoes expedition in the (Gurghiului) Carpathian Mountains

– on the last days HR specialist will be invited and will teach the participants about how to apply for a job, CV writing, how to prepare themselves for an interview.