Period: 14-24 August 2017
Location: Sovata -Outward Bound Romania Youth Center and Gurghiului Mountains
Participants: 21 orphan or disadvantaged youngsters and 4 group leaders
Participating countries: Hungary, Portugal, Croatia, Romania
Partner organizations: – Academy of experience
– Hrvatska skola Outward Bound (HSOB)
– Grupo de Jovens Novo Mundo
– Outward Bound Romania
Financial support: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Our main goal is double:
-one is to help the 20 orphan youngsters to improve their social/life skills, in this way increasing their chances with 50% to reintegrate into society as an active citizen with equal rights after leaving the foster homes.
-second one is to stimulate them to participate in 50% more European projects, and to grow the quality of the projects by developing their English language skills (basic level-> intermediate)
Specific objectives of the project are:
– developing the following skills and competences: self confidence and trust in each-other, responsibility, taking initiatives, making efficient decisions, communication in English language, efficient communication, pacification and presentation
-promoting the intercultural dialog
-promoting the active citizenship and tolerance
– involving young people in the program in an active and voluntary way
The elements of the program: knowing each other activities, teambuilding activities, English language lessons, expedition in Gurghiului Mountains, ropes course activities, raft building, initiation
– For me the most relevant experience was the expedition and the communication with other youngsters, because I have developed a lot of different skills and abilities, I have practiced the English communication, and I have learnt a lot form other cultures.
– The program was at the level of my needs and expectations, I developed in teamwork and in the English communication
-I liked the program, because I succeeded to overcome my fires
– Because we had an intercultural program I developed my English language skills very easy and with passion
– I recommend this „ English Language Course” because it was full of interesting activities, it was unusual and innovative
– During the English lessons I have learnt a lot of new words, during the expedition I have became more responsible, during the ropes course activities I developed my self confidence.